Examine technical and production skills required of workers within an industry/organization.

Examination should include

  • industry-related technical skills (e.g., communication, mathematics, science, technology, time-management, and creative-thinking skills)
  • industry-related production skills (specific skills used for production of goods or services)
  • industry-related interpersonal and team-player skills.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • How can you, as a worker, determine the necessity to develop and/or upgrade industry-related production skills?
  • What are some consequences of using good communication skills? Of using poor communication skills?
  • What is the importance of having more than one person analyze information in order to make decisions?
  • What steps can you take to develop industry-related interpersonal and team-player skills?

Suggested Learning Activities:

Technical and Production Skills: Positive Listening Experiences

Objective: Demonstrate effective listening skills while interacting with a class member. Materials: Worksheet for each student, Download A Time That Someone Really Listened to Me,

and Download Teacher Notes


Technical and Production Skills: Resolving Conflict Situations

Objective: Recommend actions that will reduce conflict and lead to positive results.

Materials: Worksheet for each student, Download Conflict Situations,

and Download Teacher Notes


Technical and Production Skills: Teamwork

Objective: Identify the critical skills exhibited by effective team members.

Materials: Download Worksheet and forms

for each student, Effective Team Members, Individual Reporting and Group Reporting, and Download Teacher Notes

Technical and Productions Skills: Style Options for Resolving Conflict

Objective: Examine style options for resolving conflict.

Materials: Worksheet for each student, Download Style Options for Resolving Conflict,

and Download Teacher Notes

Technical and Productions Skills: The Effective Use of Time

Objective: Demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively.

Materials: The following Download worksheets

for each student, Doing First Things First and Time Management Matrix, and Download Teacher Notes

Give each team an extra copy of Time Management Matrix for recording purposes.