Perform basic pedicure.

Performance should include

  • examining client's skin and feet for abrasions, disorders, and diseases
  • suggesting medical treatment, if necessary
  • arranging required equipment, implements, and materials
  • placing client's feet on clean paper towel on footrest
  • filling footbath with warm water to cover ankles
  • adding antiseptic or antibacterial soap to footbath and placing both feet in bath for 3-5 minutes
  • removing feet from footbath, rinsing feet, and wiping them dry
  • removing polish, if necessary
  • filing toenails straight across and even with the end of the toes with emery board; taking care to avoid filing into corners of the nails.
  • using a cotton-tipped orangewood stick, apply cuticle solvent to cuticle and under free edge of each toenail
  • massaging each toe with cuticle cream or oil
  • scrubbing feet in warm, soapy water; rinsing, and drying thoroughly
  • applying lotion or cream over the foot to just above the ankle
  • massaging both feet, using massage techniques
  • removing traces of lotion from the nails of both feet
  • applying base coat, polish, and top coat on each toenail
  • sanitizing and disinfecting implements and footbath.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • What is the importance of analyzing the client's feet before giving a pedicure?
  • Why should only cleaned implements be used on the client?
  • Why is it necessary to know the medical history of a client (e.g., diabetes, blood clots, medicines) prior to a pedicure?
  • Why is it important to ask if the client has high blood pressure?
  • What is the danger of massaging the shin area?
  • Why should a record card be kept for each client?