Apply relaxer.

Application should be performed according to manufacturer specifications and should include the following guidelines:

  • Read and follow manufacturer specifications for the application of a chemical relaxer.
  • Apply relaxer to hair shaft.
  • Perform periodic strand test.
  • Rinse relaxer from hair with cool water with a steady flow of water away from the scalp.
  • Shampoo hair with a neutralizing shampoo as directed by the manufacturer.
  • Recondition the hair.
  • Towel dry the hair.
  • Re-examine the scalp.
  • Style as desired by client.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • Why is it important to read and follow manufacturer specifications for the application of a chemical relaxer?
  • How is relaxer applied to the hair?
  • Why should the scalp be re-examined?
  • What is the total amount of time a relaxer should be left on the hair?
  • What is the purpose of neutralizing shampoo?
  • What should be done with relaxer left over after a service?