Demonstrate an understanding of information security.

Demonstration includes

  • identifying various information types/formats (e.g., paper, electronic)
  • describing cybersecurity (e.g., risks, threats, vulnerabilities)
  • using technology ethically (e.g., appropriately using social networks, managing personal information)
  • abiding by workplace policies (e.g., acceptable use policy [AUP])
  • protecting confidentiality (e.g., protecting login information and customer information)
  • following workplace security procedures.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • What is cybersecurity? Why is it important?
  • What information is considered sensitive? How can a person protect sensitive information?
  • What are the possible consequences of failing to protect confidentiality?
  • What are the possible consequences of an employee failing to adhere to a company's AUP?

Teacher Resources: