Explain the science of physiological and mental pain.

Explanation should include

  • definition of pain from the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
  • neurobiological basis of pain
  • biopsychosocial model of pain
  • types of pain (e.g., neuropathic)
  • acute, sub-acute, and chronic pain, including pain generation
  • spinal and brain modulation, behavioral adaptation and maladaptation, and the continuum from acute to chronic disabling pain
  • the underlying science of pain relief.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • What is the IASP definition of pain?
  • How can a medical professional get a patient to describe physiological pain?
  • What assessment tools can be used to help patients describe physiological pain? How do tools differ for describing mental pain?
  • How are pain and levels of pain categorized?