Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization.
Examination should include
- responsibility for workers’ health and safety
- laws/regulations and practices affecting workers’ health and safety
- health and safety hazards
- health and safety programs
- responsibility for the environment
- laws/regulations and practices affecting the impact on the environment
- sustainability initiatives.
Process/Skill Questions:
- What environmental concerns should an industry address?
- What environmentally-friendly practices and resources are available to an industry?
- What methods can be used to motivate employees to become involved in effective health, safety, and environmental practices?
- What forewarnings and preventive measures are available to lessen the likelihood or impact of emergencies such as personal illness or injury, tornadoes, fires, nuclear accidents, floods, and incidences of employee rage or violent behavior?
Suggested Learning Activities:
Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues: Safety Awareness
Objective: Describe the conditions and behaviors that are threats to safety.
Materials: Examples of accidents as reported in periodicals, newspapers, and magazines; worksheet for each student, Potential Sources of Accidents, Download Potential Sources of Accidents, Teacher Notes Download Teacher Notes
Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues: Safety Projects
Objective: Describe laboratory safety and safety tools, regulations, standards, and practices associated with selected careers.
Materials: Guidelines for each student, Safety Project Download Safety Project