Apply mathematical formulas to engineering drawings.
Application of formulas may be used to
- determine dimensions by parametric constraints
- determine the scale of a drawing
- convert unit systems
- determine the depth of threads of a fastener and the pitch of a threaded fastener
- calculate true length and width of an inclined or oblique plane
- calculate gear ratios and the number of teeth on a gear.
Process/Skill Questions:
- What is the definition of parameter?
- How might a spreadsheet be used to link parameters to an engineered part drawing?
- What are the factors to consider when choosing a scale of a drawing?
- How are auxiliary views and revolutions used to show the true length and width of inclined and oblique planes?
- How is the number of teeth on a gear related to the gear ratio?
- How can you solve to find a missing angle?
- How can you find the hypotenuse of a triangle?