Critique varied methods of promoting apparel and textile products.

Critique should compare promotional campaigns (i.e., print media, radio, TV, in-store, and Internet promotions), assess strengths and weaknesses, and evaluate strategies with regard to:

  • What to sell
  • How to sell
  • To whom to sell
  • When to sell (seasonal nature of fashion)
  • What to charge

Process/Skill Questions


  • What are the goals and methods of promoting apparel and textile products?
  • What are the consequences of using unethical marketing practices?
  • Why should a fashion industry professional know and care about marketing strategies?
  • How can an understanding of target market be useful to a fashion industry professional?


  • What basic points need to be communicated when promoting apparel and textile products?
  • How does communication contribute to the success of textile and apparel merchandising?


  • What leadership skills are needed to promote apparel and textile products?
  • Who decides which promotion methods are suitable for specific needs? How are these decisions made?


  • What consequences may occur if a business fails to research and evaluate the varied methods of promoting apparel and textile products?
  • Where should apparel and textile products be promoted?
  • What are the steps in setting a marketing budget?