Demonstrate professionalism.

Demonstration includes

  • defining professionalism
  • practicing punctuality and attendance
  • adhering to work-schedule expectations
  • exercising etiquette (e.g., language, manners, and behaviors suitable for the workplace and online; appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication)
  • exhibiting professional self-representation (e.g., using a firm handshake, introducing oneself, making eye contact)
  • maintaining professional appearance (e.g., maintaining personal hygiene, adhering to a dress code).

Process/Skill Questions: 

  • What is professionalism? How is it demonstrated?
  • How can a person make a positive first impression? Why is this important?
  • Why is professional appearance important in the workplace?
  • Why are punctuality and attendance important in the workplace?
  • What are some examples of workplace schedule expectations?
  • How do behavior and communication expectations differ between home and school? How might these expectations differ in the workplace?

Teacher Resources: