Describe the engineering design process.

Description should include the concept that the engineering design process is a systematic, creative process for solving problems concerning real objects, products, systems, and environments. The engineering design process includes the following steps:

  1. Identify the need or opportunity for an engineering solution.
  2. Define an engineering design problem.
  3. Identify the requirement and constraints of the design problem, including cybersecurity considerations.
  4. Research potential solutions to the design problem.
  5. Generate (brainstorm) multiple solutions to the design problem.
  6. Sketch the multiple solutions to the design problem.
  7. Evaluate the requirements and constraints of each solution to the design problem, including cybersecurity considerations.
  8. Justify an optimal solution to the design problem, taking into account cybersecurity considerations.
  9. Create a model or prototype for the chosen solution to the design problem, using appropriate materials and processes.
  10. Determine the objectives for an engineering test of the solution to the design problem, taking into account cybersecurity considerations.
  11. Test the solution to the design problem, using mathematical, conceptual, and/or physical modeling, simulating, and optimizing; take into account cybersecurity considerations.
  12. Evaluate the test results, including cybersecurity considerations.
  13. Formulate an alternate solution to the design problem, if needed.
  14. Test the alternate solution, if needed.
  15. Present the final project report.
  16. Document the final project report.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • How can design problems be identified?
  • What are the types of problems that concern product developers?
  • Why is it important to identify criteria and constraints?
  • What techniques are used to refine a design?
  • How can a design be evaluated?
  • What is quality control?
  • Why should final solutions be re-evaluated? How is this done?
  • What are the basic requirements of design?
  • What are ergonomics?
  • What are functional requirements?
  • How important is it to document every phase of the design process?
  • How can a sketch created in the beginning of the engineering design process be important in an eventual product redesign?