Demonstrate career- and life-management skills.
Demonstration includes
- recognizing the importance of education and career planning (e.g., minimum job qualifications, advancement and professional-development opportunities)
- identifying available benefits and professional resources (e.g., labor unions, professional organizations, employee-assistance programs, insurance and retirement benefits)
- managing personal growth and wellness (e.g., stress management, self-care, financial planning)
- setting goals (e.g., specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound [SMART] goals).
Process/Skill Questions:
- Where can one find entry-level requirements for a specific career?
- Why is it important to continuously update a career plan?
- What is the difference between a short-term and long-term goal?
- Why is it important to create a personal financial plan?
- What resources are available to assist with achieving personal education, career, financial, and health goals?
Teacher Resources:
- Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #1 Download Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #1
- Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #2 Download Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #2
- Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #3 Download Career- and Life-management Lesson Plan #3
- Career-and Life-management Activity, Download Career-and Life-management Activity, Career and Technical Education Consortium of States (CTECS)