Identify the role of supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs) in agricultural education.

Identification should include

  • defining an SAE program as an opportunity for students to consider multiple careers and occupations in the agriculture, food, and natural resources (AFNR) industries, learn expected workplace behavior, develop specific skills within an industry, and apply academic and occupational skills in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment
  • researching the Foundational SAE
    • career exploration and planning
    • personal financial planning and management
    • workplace safety
    • employability skills for college and career readiness
    • agricultural literacy
  • researching the Immersion SAE
    • entrepreneurship/ownership
    • placement/internships
    • research (experimental, analytical, invention)
    • school business enterprises
    • service learning
  • developing a plan to participate in an SAE, based on personal and career goals
  • researching available awards and degrees, based on SAE participation.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • What are examples of SAEs related to this course and in the AFNR industries?
  • Where can a copy of the Virginia SAE Record Book be found?
  • What is an Immersion SAE?
  • How does a placement/internship SAE differ from an ownership/entrepreneurship SAE?
  • How does an SAE provide relevant work experience and contribute to the development of critical thinking skills?
  • How is the SAE an extended individualized instructional component of a student’s Career Plan of Study?
  • How can an SAE be used to provide evidence of student growth and participation in authentic, work-related tasks?
  • What are the four types of SAEs?
  • What are the advantages of participating in work-based learning experiences and projects?
  • How does one choose an appropriate SAE in which to participate?

Teacher Resources: