Identify the components of a business plan.

Identification should include

  • executive summary
  • description of the business (e.g., location, customers, form of ownership)
  • problem
  • customer segments
  • unique value proposition (UVP)
  • solutions
  • channels/pathways to customers
  • revenue streams
  • cost structure
  • key metrics
  • competitive advantage
  • conclusion
  • appendix.

Teacher Resource:

Start-Up Business Plan Links to an external site.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • Why is research necessary when writing a business plan?
  • Why might the executive summary be more important than the body of the business plan?
  • What additional information would appear in the appendix of the business plan?
  • What are resources for business plan writing?
  • Why should allocation or distribution of future, theoretical profits be included in a business plan?
  • Why is it important to chart the first five years of the company’s growth and goals within the business plan?