Identify customer needs and wants.

Identification should begin by explaining the following basic principles:

  • Goods and services have features.
  • Those features have certain benefits for certain customers.
  • Customers buy things that they believe will benefit them.
  • Customers must be satisfied with their purchases.

Identification should involve assessing the

  • types of goods and services needed and/or wanted
  • features desired in those goods and services
  • price customers are willing and able to pay for a good or service
  • location(s) and time(s) goods and services are available for purchase.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • Why is it important to distinguish between needs and wants? How can the fulfillment of a basic need lead to a want?
  • How can a good or service be a need for one person and a want for another person?
  • What factors affect an individual’s needs and wants?
  • How does the identification of customers’ needs and wants affect the operation of a school-based enterprise (SBE)?