Identify conservation measures.
Identification may include
- defining conservation
- explaining why conservation is essential to the protection of the environment
- describing actions that contribute to one's ecological footprint
- listing methods of conservation
- identifying various agencies' roles in conservation (e.g., DEQ, EPA, USDA, local organizations)
- describing the roles of recycling, composting, and waste management.
Process/Skill Questions:
- What is an "ecological footprint"?
- What are some common methods of conservation?
- What local, regional, state, and federal agencies are involved in conservation?
- How do recycling, composting, and waste management contribute to conservation?
- What is the difference between preservation and conservation?
- What role to governmental agencies (e.g., Department of Environmental Quality [DEQ], Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], United States Department of Agriculture [USDA], local organizations) play in conservation of natural resources?