Explain the functions and operations of various CNC machines.
Explanation could include
- summarizing the history of CNC machining
- identifying safety procedures for CNC machining operations
- listing advantages and disadvantages of CNC machines
- following the procedures for writing programs for two-axis CNC lathes
- creating one CNC lathe project
- describing types of working and tool-holding devices
- identifying miscellaneous codes that are used
- identifying G and M code programs
- naming digital file types (e.g., txt, docx, xlsx).
Process/Skill Questions
- What are the differences among a CNC milling machine, a CNC lathe, and a wire-electric discharge machine (EDM)? In what way are they similar?
- Which is the most precise of the three machines?
- What are the processes of planning and creating a finished part?
- What are the uses of CAD and CAM software?
- Why is program formatting important?
- Why is it important to learn G and M codes for CNC lathe and CNC milling?
- What are the similarities in codes for CNC lathe and milling?