Machine a variety of materials.

Machining should include

  • applying material properties theory
    • predicting speeds and feeds and tooling requirements based on known properties of a material
    • responding to cutting conditions imposed by material properties
  • identifying common materials and their principal properties relevant to machining tasks
  • recognizing differences among ferrous and nonferrous, magnetic, and ductile materials
  • explaining the changes to materials caused by heat-treating
  • predicting the machinability of a part based on its appearance, its call-out value on the blueprint, and its supplied hardness value.

Process/Skill Questions

  • What is the difference between ferrous and nonferrous materials?
  • What happens to steel when it is heat-treated?
  • How do materials affect speeds and feeds?
  • What is the difference between ductile and brittle materials?
  • How do different materials affect tool life?
  • Why is it helpful to know the melting point when machining various materials?