Spread mortar.

Spreading includes cutting mortar from board, loading the trowel, and spreading and furrowing mortar on the wall with uniform thickness and full coverage. Result should support brick in 3/8 inch bed joint.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • Why should one furrow the mortar?
  • Why is efficient spreading important to good mortar work?
  • Why is it important to spread the mortar?

NCCER Masonry Standards

Level One, Module Five (28104-13): Mortar

This module explains the types and properties of mortar and the materials used in the mixture, including admixtures; provides instructions for mixing mortar by machine; and describes how to properly apply and store mortar.

Level One, Module One (28101-13): Introduction to Masonry

This module provides information about basic masonry materials, tools, techniques, and safety precautions; explains how to mix mortar by hand and lay masonry units; and describes the skills, attitudes, and abilities of successful masons.