Career, Community, and Family Connections (19299-18)

Copyright: 2022

Virginia Assignment Code: 8205

Suggested Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Duration: 18 weeks

Hours: 70

Credits: 0.5

Prerequisites: None


Course Description:

Career, Community, and Family Connections provides tools to meet and balance the multiple demands of career, family, and personal life. The course teaches problem solving, conflict management, goal setting, stress management, resource management, and interpersonal skills needed to build strong relationships in the family, the workplace, and the community. Contextual instruction and student participation in co-curricular career and technical student organization (CTSO) activities will develop leadership, interpersonal, and career skills. High-quality work-based learning (HQWBL) will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests, integrated with instruction, and performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.

Credentials, Course Sequences, and Career Clusters/Pathways can be found here: