Aviation Operations Management (20998)
Copyright: 2023
Virginia Assignment Code: 8730
Suggested Grade Level: 9, 10, 11
Duration: 36 weeks
Hours: 280
Credits: 2
Prerequisites: None
Course Description:
Students explore the aviation industry, acquiring skills in airport operations, airline operations, and fixed-base operations (FBOs). Operators handle time, tasks, and resources effectively while striving for increased safety, efficiency, and profitability. With special emphasis placed on real-world scenarios and problem-solving, students explore occupations, regulations, safety, emergency response, and the economics involved in aviation operations. Contextual instruction and student participation in co-curricular career and technical student organization (CTSO) activities will develop leadership, interpersonal, and career skills. High-quality work-based learning (HQWBL) will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests, integrated with instruction, and performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.