Analyze schemes for transmission and grid protection and management.
Analysis should include the roles and/or uses of the following:
- Sectionalization, which is the use of protective relays to isolate faulted portions of the distribution grid
- Right-of-way management and easements
- Blackout analysis
- Integration of cybersecurity
- Reliability and security organizations and regulatory bodies (e.g., North American Electric Reliability Corporation [NERC], SERC Reliability Corporation)
- Regional transmission organizations (e.g., PJM Interconnection)
Process/Skill Questions:
- Why is right-of-way management important to the landowner and the consumer? What is an easement?
- Why are regional transmission organizations needed? What is their role in energy transmission?
- What is the purpose of a blackout analysis?
- What are some threats to the power grid? How can they be mitigated?