Explain the concept of a target market.

Explanation should include defining target market as a group of consumers with shared characteristics who are the most likely buyers of a product/service.

Explanation should include that a target market is determined through research which identifies customers into market segments based on

  • demographics
  • geographic data
  • psychographics
  • behavioral factors.

Process/Skill Questions:

  • Why is it important for brands to identify and understand their target market?
  • How can brands determine who their target market is?
  • What types of social media can be used to attract specific target markets?
  • What factors influence changes in target market over time?
  • How can analytics and data help brands determine their target market?
  • How have social media and technology changed how marketers use geographic data? 
  • What is a trigger event, and how can it influence potential consumers?
  • How can the use of artificial intelligence (AI) help to identify a business’s target market?