Modeling and Simulation Technology (21015)

Copyright: 2021

Virginia Assignment Code: 8460

Suggested Grade Level: 10, 11, 12

Duration: 36 weeks

Hours: 140

Credits: 1

Prerequisites: None


Course Description:

Students will explore the use of modeling and simulation as well as game development concepts and software, to solve real-world problems in multiple domain areas. Activities will include developing, evaluating, and testing engineering designs, employing geospatial data, observing and analyzing physics simulations, designing games for educational purposes, and designing and creating visualization systems with three-dimensional (3D) models. Students will develop an understanding of the concepts, systems, processes, tools, and implications of the field of modeling and simulation and associated design and visualization technologies. Contextual instruction and student participation in co-curricular career and technical student organization (CTSO) activities will develop leadership, interpersonal, and career skills. High-quality work-based learning (HQWBL) will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests, integrated with instruction, and performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.

Credentials, Course Sequences, and Career Clusters/Pathways can be found here: Links to an external site.