Leadership Development (22101-18)

Copyright: 2019

Virginia Assignment Code: 9096

Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12

Duration: 18 weeks

Hours: 70

Credits: 0.5

Prerequisites: None


Course Description:

Students develop competencies in identifying individual aptitudes in relation to effective leadership skills, understanding organizational behavior, using effective communication in the workplace, handling human resources and organizational problems, supervising and training employees, resolving conflict, and planning for the future. Continuing education in leadership is emphasized as well as practical leadership experiences in cooperation with school and community leaders. High-quality work-based learning (HQWBL) will provide experiential learning opportunities related to students' career goals and/or interests, integrated with instruction, and performed in partnership with local businesses and organizations.

Credentials, Course Sequences, and Career Clusters/Pathways can be found here:

https://www.cteresource.org/career-clusters/education-training/leadership-development-1/ Links to an external site.